Tuesday, September 27, 2011

day 58

Well, I am 58 days into ChaLEAN Extreme/Turbo Fire Hybrid and 10 days into the Brazil Butt Lift workout. The numbers on the scale may have slowed some, but I am starting to see some muscle tone.

My husband is lucky enough to be able to practically just touch a weight and end up looking sculpted. Me on the otherhand have always had to push hard to get results.

I have started to run a little again. My dog who also gained weight when we moved to Ohio is enjoying it as well. My son this summer had decided he was done with training wheels, so he now can ride along side while I run. We went through that period where he rode in the jogging stroller when he was little to the point where he was too big for it. Unfortunately, that and a few other reasons put my running on hiatus for awhile.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sometimes if you just hit the play button...................

Ok, so fun day of meetings!! I thought, "Do I really want to go home cook dinner & exercise? OR tell Rich and Nathan that I want to go out to eat. Technically, I told myself it is my rest day of the Chalene hybrid program. As I held my internal debate, Rich started his Power 90 and P90X workouts (He is doing both simultaneously.)

Him starting his workout was enough to convince me that I just needed to start. I am on my 5th day of Brazil Butt Lift and today was a rest day of the ChaLEAN Extreme/Turbo Fire hybrid (52 days completed). As usual a few minutes in, I was happy I chose the workout instead of skipping it.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 50

Woo Hoo made it to Day 50 of the TF/ChEx Hybrid. I've done other workout programs, but this is one of my favorite combinations.

I just received Brazil Butt Lift. Since the hybrid I am doing is mostly weights, I am working in the Brazil Butt Lift. I made it to Day 3 of The BBL program. The BBL is a month long program, so not too bad.

It comes with a pencil to do this test. If the pencil stays put then you fail. Well I passed the test. I told my husband, and he said your butt is not saggy it is just big. LOL, he's right, so I didn't take it personal.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

day 48

I missed my day 47 workout. I don''t know why I do it maybe it's my competitive nature, but I almost feel like I let myself down.

I was trimming my hedges and I seen this vine (luckily I had gloves),so I pulled it out. About a day or 2 later, I figure out by looking at my forearm that was poison ivy. I have always gotten a pretty bad reaction to poison ivy. Who would've thought I would find poison ivy in my front yard!! Only me would that happen to!

So Thursday, I had to go for my every few year MRI checkups for my MS. Imagine having to try to lay still for 2 hrs, when your arms are itchy from poison ivy. Thursday night I didn't sleep well so I decided to try to sleep in a little bit Friday morning. The plan was to do my workout before we had to bring Nathan to his PJ party for a parents night out. Well, when we get home from Nathan's school, he hands me a note about having a rough day at school. The long discussion with Nathan took up the planned workout time.

I keep reminding myself that I have added extra workouts on some days and even worked out on rest days. I plan to knock the day 47 and day 48 workout today. One was Turbo Fire 30 (cardio) and the other is Push Circuit 3 (weights).

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Day 41

Well, I made here to Day 41 of the ChaLEAN Extreme/Turbo Fire Hybrid. It's amazing that many times before I get started that I don't really feel like exercising. Yet when I am done, I am always glad that I did!

Since it is good to keep changing your routine,I am trying to decide what program I want to try next. I am considering either Brazil Butt Lift or Slim in 6. Anyone tried either one?

If I was going to give myself a grade on well I am doing with the eating, I would say about an 85%. I do drink the Shakeology everyday, since it is extremely healthy I get high marks for that. I do extremely well at work with two healthy snacks and lunch. I even do well when they bring in the doughnuts and unhealthy treats. So where do I need to focus on?: Nighttime! I have been trying to make our dinners consist of more vegetables and lean protein rather than pasta or starchy carbs. I am even trying to cut back a little on wine and Michelob Ultras. I have been keeping a food and exercise journal on the free site: www.myfitnesspal.com

I really like using Beachbody's workout calendar where you can auto populate your workout schedule. I know ahead of time what my workout will be and have no excuses for the amount time I spend working out. I just know that this is the workout that I am supposed to do on that day! It also helps on the days when I think I really don't feel like working out, because I am somewhat competitive with myself and feel disappointed in me if I don't stick to my schedule or least try to.

It is kind of like when you run 5K's, 10K's, half, or marathons. There is something in running called a PR, which stands for Personal Record. Many runners always try to push themselves to beat their previous time to keep bettering that PR. When I stick to the schedule or push myself to lift the next heavier weight, or crank out that extra push up, I know I am only going to improve my fitness level.

Also when you auto populate your calendar, in a way I am mentally pushing myself to finish that workout schedule much like when I signed up for a Race. If you have ever ran a 5K or marathon, etc, you know you can't just show up on race day and start running. It always gave me an incentive to run knowing that I had a race I signed up for, and knowing I put my schedule in my workout calendar I know I need to PRESS PLAY!!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Day 39 TF/CH EX Hybrid

This morning was ChaLEAN Extreme Push Circuit 2.

I can kind of do a pull up now without the chair. I can pull up and down, but can't pull back up so not sure if that counts. My point is that I am getting closer, and it gives me something to push for. Still a little rough on the tricep push ups, but I'll get there too. I still have more work to go, but at least I am seeing some progress. This helps keep me motivated!

Although I have never been much of an early morning person, I have been doing really well at getting up early to workout since Nathan's school started. I just find that most days if I don't if I don't get the workout done before I start the day that the rest of day kind of gets in the way of itself. Then before I know it, it is time to go bed. Definitely works better for me as much as I don't like to drag myself out of bed.

Doing pretty good at making sure I am making healthier eating choices for the most part. One of my Admin people even remembered when she went out for doughnuts for the group to grab a fruit n yogurt cup for me. I guess they are kind of getting used to me trying to eat better. :)

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Keep Pushing Play

Well I am completing day 38 on my ChaLEAN Extreme/Turbo Fire Hybrid. I have completed about 154 WOWY workouts for the year. It is not an easy process to get yourself back on track after being derailed, but I have really committed myself to it this year. After being on track for so long (Fitness/Health wise), once you let yourself get derailed, it requires a lot of push and internal shove to get yourself back there. The last eight months, I have pushed myself to get back there. I am a slow loser, but I continue to press forward to try to regain where I was before I got DERAILED so to speak.

I have pushed myself to do things I didn't think I could do, so I know EVERYTHING is possible. I ran a marathon just a year after quitting smoking (2002). _Quit date 7/31/01. In between then and now, ran another full marathon and about half a dozen half's. I ran a half (2007), a year after being diagnosed with MS (Multiple Schlerosis). My point is that I continue to prove to myself that I can push myself to achieve things physically that I didn't think possible. The pursuit of completing my Bachelor's degree (2010) was a physical setback, but I know that if I keep at it I WILL get back to where I need to be!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 35 of Turbo Fire/Chalene Extreme Hybrid

Today is Turbo Fire 45 EZ, and after I get some coffee it will be time to get to it. Need to get the workout done, before it is time to watch Hungry Girl on the Food Network. Really enjoying her show.

Yesterday, I did Push Circuit 3 and even managed to get in a 30 minute run! There aren't as many races that I have found here in Columbus, Ohio as compared to Dallas-Fort Worth. You literally had your choice of almost a half dozen races every weekend there. I really miss the Fort Worth Runners club races. My small town of Grove City doesn't have a runners club.

I did find a FIT CLUB in Grove City at Putt N Play, which I have met some great people. It is kind of hard when you move to meet people, and I am thankful to have met some people that are trying to do the same thing to improve their health.

Hope everyone is enjoying their holiday weekend.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

DAY 32

This morning was a little tougher to get up early, but I still managed to get up early enough to get most of the Push Circuit 2 done before I had to get ready for work. I finished up the last few minutes when I got home from work.

Did really well I what I ate today. The new water cup with the straw has really helped up my water intake. I have been reading the Clean Eating magazine, and saw a few recipes that look really yummy.

Really exciting day with all the hoopla with the P90X2 prelaunch. I already pre-ordered one for Rich for Xmas!!! It looks intense!!