Monday, October 10, 2011

Fear of the Before Picture

I keep debating on whether I am ready to post my before picture. I ask myself what am I afraid of? Is that I haven't quite made it to my "after"? Is it that I embarassed of the "before"? Is it hard to admit to myself that after keeping weight off for 9 years that a hard year of college and a cross country move derailed my previous efforts?

It is almost like when you try to quit smoking and you backslide. You are disappointed in yourself. You are afraid of what others will think. You start by sneaking the cigarettes. After awhile you can't hide it anymore and you are right back where you were. At least with the smoking, I am happy to admit that I made it 10 years.

The weight I was close to maintaining for 9 yrs, but unfortunately trying to crank out my Bachelors degree in a short amount of time didn't leave much time for exercise. Although I still have some to go, I have taken almost 20 lbs of the gain off and getting back in shape.

Once I work up the courage, I will post my "before" pictures. Until then, I will just keep working on my "after"!


  1. I struggled with the whole "before" picture thing too. I had this fear that they would show up on the buleting board at work. Yikes!

    But, then I realized that at least I was trying to do something about it. So, if someone wanted to make fun, that was ok. I am now secure in knowing that I'm on the right path.

    And someday, people will look at the before and say "That's you!?!"

  2. That's the way to do it! I'm still significantly overweight, but I'm also significantly lighter, leaner, and healthier than I was!

    I simply "stumbled" into my before and after that I use. Definitely nothing showing off my physique, but still a noticeable enough change that you can see the difference side by side. The key is to keep attacking and pushing yourself to reach the goals!
