Thursday, November 24, 2011

Day 116 of Turbo Fire/CLX Hybrid, Bodybugg, and Happy Turkey Day

Ok got up and put the Turkey in the oven at 7 am.

Yesterday was a bit like an early Xmas!! My BodyBugg and my Scentsy kit showed up. I wasn't even sure which one to play with first. The Bodybugg needed to be charged, so I had to wait on that one!! I also heard a rumor from the wonderful Premiere Lady, Kelly that my Premiere jewelry from the party I had at my house will be here on Friday.

My husband, Rich got me a BodyBugg for my birthday. I have a lot of friends who have them and love them. They have the ones that work with smart phones. With my corporate blackberry, I can't download any Apps so I needed to get the version where you can upload to your computer and/or get the digital display. Being the savy shopper, I googled and found a coupon code to save $30, and found it on sale so I was able to get both. I am still working on synching the digital display, but I have it figured out where I can see how many calories I burned with I hook to my computer. It is a psychological thing, but I am finding myself moving a little more, hustling a little quicker, and doing random exercises (No one else is awake to see me, LOL) to see how many calories I can burn. Hopefully soon I will figure out why the digital display isn't synching!!

Today was Core 20, and I will get to that here soon. I did Turbo Fire HIIT 15 to see how many calories I burned. I was at 158. It is my favorite quick workout when short on time (15 minutes). I like the 10 Minute trainers and the Great Body (10 min workouts), but the HIIT 15 is by far my favorite of the short workouts.

Hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

My review of Body Gospel Live

So I got this dvd of Body Gospel live, I don't have the full Body Gospel program. I wanted to check it, so I got just the one disk.

I have been doing Chalene's hybrid program of Turbo Fire and ChaLEAN Extreme. I am about 111 days! I totally love the program, and am not bored with it. It is just every once awhile it is nice to mix it up.

So the first few minutes of the program (keep in mind I am used to the fast pace of Turbo Fire), I think this really isn't challenging enough for what I am used to. Then about 12 minutes in, I think, "Man, my calves are starting to burn a little. Ahhh, the marching is a little different than my body is used to. Hey, all this arm swinging may help tone up the arms some." It is definitely a low impact workout. I think the moves are repetitive enough for a beginner. They do have level two moves to make it a little challenging.

It was a little different than the TF that I am used to, but it was a nice change of pace to mix it up. The church choir music and the instructor are uplifting. The last few minutes with the Body Gospel line dance was kind of fun, and found myself laughing a little while doing it.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

104 days of ChaLEAN Ex/Turbo Fire

104 days in and still loving this workout program combined. I am definitely getter stronger.

I am really excited about starting Chalene's Push program with her book release. I made a lot of like-minded friends last night through the Push party. I really need to push past this plateau and take it up a notch, and happy to have interacted with some people on the same course. It is really great to be able to motivate and encourage others while they are also helping to do the same for you.

I started with Day 1 of Chalene's program last night of identifying my 3 top priorities. Today I need to work on 10 goals I want to accomplish. I completed her her 30 day challenge a few months ago and absolutely loved the motivating videos and assignments.

I am resisting the urge to jump ahead with her program and just complete the process. It is tough, since I feel like a kid in the candy store.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Happy 100!!

Well I officially hit 100 days of ChaLEAN Extreme/Turbo Fire Hybrid. For the most part, I followed the exercise schedule pretty religiously. There were a few days I missed, and some days I did more.

As I mentioned before, my 119 lb boxer is also on a diet. As I measured out her food, I thought man this is so much easier for her than me. She kind of has to take what she is given. It is perfectly measured and portioned. No sneaking in the fridge for snacks, no relaxing with a glass or two of wine, no one bringing in office goodies, etc. For me it is a matter of will power, probably about 80-90% of the time I have it right, and I am still working on the other 10-20%. I may never get to a 100%, but at least I keep trying and acknowledging the need to improve.

I tried Dreamfield's healthy carb pasta (Bought it at Giant Eagle.) It was totally yummy and would never had guessed that it was a healthy carb pasta. They make it several types. To name a few: Penne, Macaroni, liguini, lasagna noodles, and spaghetti.

Excited to watch to Chalene's Push book launch on Friday!!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Day 96 ChaLEAN Extreme/Turbo Fire Hybrid (Replace your bad habits)

So I have entered the Lean phase of ChaLEAN Ex/Turbo Fire Hybrid. My biceps/triceps were a little sore from Lean Circuit 1, so I was thankful that yesterday was a Turbo Fire workout, and today Lean Circuit 2 focused on shoulders and back. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the sore feeling. I know that sounds wierd, but it means that I pushed myself farther, challenging myself, and that the muscles will improve.

Towards the end of the workout Chalene said something to the extent of identifying your bad habits and replacing them with good.

One of the bad habits that got me out of shape while I was going to college was relaxing with a few glasses of wine. Then that would turn into some mindless munching. I have replaced that with a more regular schedule of exercise. Of course, I didn't give up that habit completely, but stress relief is back to being exercise again.

Another bad habit is my Coke Zero. I know water is better for me, and I really need to cut down on the pop. Although I should, I don't think I can completely cut this habit out. So everything in moderation is what I should shoot for.

I used to have the bad habit of smoking, but I kicked that 10 years ago. I am really happy about that and honestly don't miss it. At the time, I replaced that habit with running. During that period, I decided to train for a marathon to keep myself busy, to not gain weight from quitting smoking, and to see if I could do it.

My point is that there are always things you can do to improve yourself whether it be for your health, mind, body, etc. I am looking forward to reading Chalene's Push book that is coming out shortly.

Think about it........ Is there a bad habit that you have that you should work on replacing with a better one?

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Day 94- Chalene Extreme/Turbo Fire

Although last week with travel wasn't perfect and I didn't get in all the workouts from the schedule, it was still SO MUCH better than where I was. Sometimes we become hard on ourselves if we don't follow something perfectly. I love the feature on the beachbody profile page where you can review your previous months workouts. This helps put it back in prespective for me. I compare where I was in the beginning of 2011 to how much more regularly I exercise now. I still have work to go to get back in shape, but compared to when I got back on track in 2011... I HAVE COME A LONG WAY!!

I start the Lean phase of ChaLEAN Extreme and looking forward after to picking the weights back up after the Cardio Round of the Chalene Extreme/Turbo Fire Hybrid.

Still working on the diet, but I think for me that will always be the thing that I work on. Again, looking back where I was to where I am.. I did have a yummy fish taco on a low carb tortilla for lunch. Ok lunch time is done and time to go back to work....